
Second Trimester of Pregnancy Tips (Urdu/Hindi)

You have now entered as many call it the ‘golden trimester’. This trimester also marks an end to the worries of miscarriage which are prevalent during the first trimester, as well as the persistent morning sickness that plagues many women during their first 3 months. To book a personal appointment with a Gynecologist click on the following links:

A woman’s body continues to change in the second trimester of her pregnancy. The second trimester usually spans over weeks 13 through 26. During this time, the baby continues to grow and develop almost daily. This means the mother’s belly grows more, and other changes are noticeable too.

The second trimester is more relaxed and easier than the first trimester, and the new mothers also tend to get back to their energetic selves. This, however, does not mean that there won’t be any complications. The mothers may encounter a few complications, such as bleeding, preterm labor, and gestational diabetes, once they step into the second trimester of pregnancy.

Dr. Naheed Rana is an expert Gynecologist. She’s been practicing for around 35 years and advises patients on various medical conditions such as pregnancy, menstrual problems, PCOS and women’s urogenital health.

If you wish to book an appointment with Dr. Naheed, please visit the link below or call at 042 3890 0939.

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