Parenting Tips

How to change diapers with super long nails: a Cardi

The mom of two shared a diaper-changing demo on her Twitter that has left us all in awe.

Do you ever see someone with beautiful long nails and wish you could have them, too—but cut your fantasy short because you’re a mom and that’s just not practical. Well, rapper and mom-of-two Cardi B is here to show all the mamas of the world that you can, in fact, have it all.

When fellow rapper and new mom Kash Doll tweeted asking Cardi for advice on how to change diapers with long nails, Cardi was quick to pass on her expert advice. The 29-year-old, who welcomed baby Wave Set Cephus last September with husband Offset, responded with a hilarious demonstration. With two kids under her belt, Cardi should be an expert-level diaper changer, and from the look of it, she’s got it down to a science.

In the clip, Cardi wears bright red, long, stiletto-shaped nails as she shows us how to remove a poopy diaper. First, she uses the diaper to wipe all the imaginary poop away and adds “you always wanna make sure you clean the butt cheeks,” hilariously repeating the words “the butt cheeks” over and over again for emphasis.

While the Grammy-winning artist puts the bear on its side to clean its behind, a rightfully puzzled three-year-old Kulture shows up and asks her: “Mommy…why you cleaning the butt of the bear?” Struggling to explain the odd situation she’s been caught in, Cardi laughs and responds with “…it’s a long story.” We wouldn’t know what to say either, Cardi.

Cardi then notes that you have to make sure to clean all the crevices—especially on boys, who she says have “more crevices than girls”—as she uses a wipe to clean the stuffed animal, making sure to keep her terrifyingly sharp nails away from its… fur the whole time. Finally, she expertly gives the bear a clean new diaper. (Is it just us or was that part weirdly satisfying to watch?)

Then comes the most challenging endeavour with those long nails—doing the snaps on the onesie. “This is the part I hate the most,” admits Cardi, as she easily clips the onesie anyways. She explains, “I don’t know if it’s because I have two kids so I could probably do it a little faster. Maybe because I’ve been wearing nails this long since I was 19.” As in, you’re witnessing a pro at work.

Cardi wraps the clip by slowly and carefully dressing the stuffed bear in blue pants, one leg at a time. She reassures Kash Doll that this part can be hard but is still doable. All the while, Kulture, who’s been watching the whole ordeal unfold, can’t help but ask again, “Mommy, why you doing that to the bear?” Cardi laughs before repeating again, “it’s a long story, Kulture.”

Check out the full clip below.

Thanks for the tutorial, Cardi. Maybe it’s time we treated ourselves to that cute manicure after all.


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