
Tips for Raising Multilingual Kids – Teaching 4 Languages to

In today’s video, I’m sharing how we teach our kids the English, Chinese, French and German languages.

If you have kids and want to start teaching them a second language, or if you have mixed-race children like us and are intrigued by what things help in the learning of multiple languages, this video is for you.

If you find this video helpful, please leave a comment below!

Here’s our background info:

Before the birth of our first son, my husband and I decided that each of us will speak our mother tongue to our baby, meaning that I speak Chinese with him and he speaks French with him. And since we were living in the UK, we would speak English with him when we are outside or when there are friends around.

We moved to France before the birth of our second son. Now they are both enrolled in a French-German bilingual kindergarten, which means we need to help them practice German as well so that they do well in school.

So our adventure begins on the road of multilingual education.

7 Easy Language Games/Activities for Kids: How I Teach My Children to Speak Any Language

I Learned to Introduce Myself in TEN Languages

5 ANNOYING Things about His Chinese Wife – From a French Husband

CHINESE STEREOTYPES – Is It True What They Say about Chinese?

My name is Rui. I’m a Chinese woman who has been living and traveling in the US, the UK, and France since 2007. In 2013 I married my French husband and we are currently living in France with our two kids. On this channel I share videos on interracial marriage and family, different habits and traditions between China and France, and raising multiracial and multilingual children.

View Original Video Here

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