
Britney Spears Plans To ‘Talk About Secrets’ In Her Upcoming

Back in February, a few months after her conservatorship was officially dissolved, Britney Spears landed a “record-breaking” $15 million publishing deal with Simon & Schuster for a tell-all memoir.

In a recent Instagram post, Spears — who is expecting a baby with fiancé Sam Asghari — confirmed that the book will come out later this year, writing that, “The secrets I’ve had to hold the past 15 years I will say are honestly paralyzing.”

The post starts off innocent enough with a snap of Spears’ new cat, Wendy, playing on an old wedding dress. The next slide is a block of text, which Spears starts off with, “So let’s talk about secrets.”

“Most people when you ask what their secret ingredient is a disregarded silent treatment comes into play. Are secrets special??? Are secrets offensive??! We don’t like people telling secrets behind our backs in grade school … But I thought we we’re [sic] supposed to share!!??” she explains.

“Oh silly me. I will be honest I never spoke at all when I was younger. I think I was just shy because I can’t even stand in a room with people I don’t know, my anxiety is absolutely horrible!!! Or maybe it was the way I was brought up,” she notes with a shrug emoji.

“Imagine being told your whole life to keep quite [sic],” she writes on the next slide. “I was a f*cking nun in my conservatorship!!! The prayer of silence I’ve endured would possibly offend the pope. Do you know how many times the people of the conservatorship would come to speak to me whispering?” she asks.

“I want to be open, yet when I acted that way they looked at me like I was crazy, even during shows with hundreds of people underneath the stage they would talk to me in a whisper. I swear I wanted to f*cking scream,” Spears continues.

She continues to talk about how she felt stifled and silenced during her conservatorship, adding that any time she asked questions, she was threatened: “If I started questioning them their response was cold and quick and “if you keep this up you know what we can do to you!! The worse [sic] response was she’s just crazy!!!”

Spears notes how she continued to grow madder and madder throughout her conservatorship and ended the post by saying, “My book comes out the end of this year … Once it’s released not sure whats [sic] gonna happen folks!!!”

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