Parenting Tips

This nursing mom took multi-tasking to a whole new level

When Cait Oakley saw her pet goose getting swept away by a hungry eagle, the BC mom came to the rescue—while breastfeeding!

Nothing is scarier than a mom protecting her child (or, in this case, pet goose). Cait Oakley was nursing her 4-month-old baby at her BC home when something shocking happened: An eagle swooped down from the sky, grabbed the family’s pet goose, Frankie, and tried to fly away with her!

The moment Cait heard Frankie make a ruckus outside she knew something wasn’t right. Cait and her partner Mike Lazic told CTV News that the goose had learned to come to the front door to get their attention if it was in crisis after several unfortunate encounters with raccoons. Poor Frankie.

With her mommy sense tingling, Cait decided to check in on Frankie. “She just sounded different so I went to the front door in the middle of feeding our babe,” said Cait, “as soon as I opened the door the eagle just swooped down right then.”

In the clip, Cait yells “Hey! Hey! Hey! Stop!” at the eagle before rushing outside, half-naked, with her baby in her arms to chase it away. And it works! Seeing Cait approaching, the eagle lets go of the goose and makes its escape, having failed its mission.

The clip of the epic encounter was shared on TikTok by Mike with the caption “Mama bear mid breast feeding protecting her sweet Frankie. Officially living at a zoo ? ” It has since gone viral with more than 1.1 million views in one day.

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As for what the dad was doing during this whole ordeal? Cait said he arrived a little late with a not-so-helpful comment. “Mike just ran outside and the first thing he said to me was, ‘You’re topless,’ and I’m like, ‘I’m very aware of the situation,’” said Cait. Yup, this mom isn’t one to be messed with.

To Cait and Mike, Frankie is a beloved member of the family. “She’s like my fourth child,” Cait told CBC, so it was heartbreaking for the couple to see Frankie shaken up by the attack. To avoid such a misfortune from happening again, the couple has taken precautions, keeping Frankie and all their other animals in pens, as much as possible, instead of having them wander out in the open. “We’ve lost a lot of animals due to hawks and minks and otters and raccoons, so now we have everything secure,” said Mike. Clearly, he wasn’t kidding when he said he was “living at a zoo.”

Reflecting on the clip and the whole situation, Cait said “If something was to go viral, I’d prefer to be clothed and not in some boxer briefs but hey, you know what, that’s momhood.” Boxer or gown, you’re a superhero, Cait. We can only dream of being as cool as you.

Check out the full clip of the life-saving altercation below:

@frankythegoose We have lost 3 chickens in the last week from what I was told was eagles which I believed hawks were preying on them but watch Frankie (our female goose) get taken. Mama bear mid breast feeding protecting her sweet Frankie. Officially living at a zoo ? #nature #geese #eagle #eagleattack #yyj #victoriabc #eagles #mamabear #geeseofinstagram #eaglesofinstagram #canadasnature #naturechannel original sound – Mikey


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