
Raising an Ace

How do parents raise their child to be responsible? In this next installment of our Raising an Ace series, we discuss specifically how we will ignite Ace’s responsibility level to be as high as possible! Slowly saying the word responsibility out loud leads to recognizing it sounds like Response-Ability, which is no coincidence since one’s ability to respond to life’s situations is a huge part of mastering self-responsibility. Topics we cover include:

Breaking Down Responsibility (00:44 sec mark)
Master Attitude Control (01:10)
Overcome Adversity Psychologically (02:34)
Think Independently (02:52)
Own Your Speech (03:10)
Don’t Hide Behind Emotions (03:45)
Prioritize Inner Peace (04:36)
Ignore Irresponsible Peers (05:18)
End Negative Cycles (06:00)
No Unnecessary Babying (06:33)
Raise Responsibilities Often (07:00)
Avoid Fake Responsibility (07:36)
Release Control of Others (08:05)
Relinquish Parental Power (09:10)
Responsibility leads to Meaning, Purpose, & Power (10:22)

There are always excuses to not be responsible for those that choose to take them. But, if you choose to take: The excuse of “I’m going through this adverse situation!” to have a negative attitude, the excuse of “My emotions got the best of me, I didn’t mean that!” to say something out of character, & the excuse of “Someone hurt me first!” to hurt another person, then you are choosing to not own your life! You are letting circumstances, your inner turmoil, & other people power over you. That is so destructive, and will prevent you from achieving your greatness & living up to your potential. Instead, people need to understand that self-responsibility should be cultivated, maintained, & strengthened by any means necessary so that you can have power over your life. It is never too late to become more responsible. And we need to then intentionally teach our children & future generations the importance of self-responsibility, so that they can effectively sail their ship on this journey called life.

Peace, Love, & Responsibility!

* Blog Post with embedded video:
* Honor Your Cocoon Time article referenced:

People referenced: Viktor Frankl, Kobe Bryant
* Correction: VIktor Frankl was a psychiatrist, not a psychologist
*** If you got something out of the video & want to give back somehow, feel free to contribute to Ace’s 529 savings plan for his education! Any amount is appreciated. You can go to the following website & put in the code P12-K2W to give $:

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Video keywords: #personalresponsibility #empowerment #howtoraiseresponsiblechildren Parenting Tips / Advice / Perspectives / Positive Psychology / Self-Accountability / Locus of Control / How to be responsible

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