
Quirky Words That Start with the Letter Q

Let’s have some fun today with Q words!  Words that start with the letter Q are quirky. We have a list of Q letter words, animals that start with Q, Q coloring pages, places that start with the letter Q and letter Q foods. These Q words for kids are perfect for use at home or in the classroom as part of alphabet learning. Words that start with the letter Q like quailQuail starts with Q!


f you are looking for words beginning with Q for Kindergarten or Preschool, you have come to the right place! Letter of the Day activities and alphabet letter lesson plans have never been easier or more fun.

Related: Letter Q Crafts

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  • Q is for Quality, is a good attribute of something.
  • Q is for Quiet, is the absence of sound and activity.
  • Q is for Quick-Witted, is mental nimbness.

There are unlimited ways to spark more ideas for educational opportunities for the letter Q. If you are looking for value words that start with Q, check out this list from Personal DevelopFit.

Related: Letter Q Worksheets quail starts with q- kids activities blog- quail that is gray walking on pavementQuail starts with Q!


There are so many animals that start with a letter Q. When you look at animals that begin with the letter Q, you will find awesome animals that begin with the sound of Q! I think you will agree when you read the fun facts associated with letter Q animals.

1. QUAIL is an Animal that Starts with Q

Quails are small, plump birds with brown to bluish-gray feathers. A plume on the tops of their heads bob as they walk. In spring and summer, you’ll see mother quails walking through the desert or grasslands, their babies trailing behind them. Quails eat seeds, grain and insects. The collective noun for a group of quail is a flock, covey or bevy. You can read more about the Q animal, Quail on A Z Animals

2. QUETZAL is an Animal that Starts with Q

Resplendent quetzals have a green body (showing iridescence from green-gold to blue-violet) and red breast. Depending on the light, quetzal feathers can shine in a variant of colors: green, cobalt, lime, yellow, to ultramarine. Their green upper tail coverts hide their tails and males are particularly splendid, being longer than the rest of the body. The primary wing coverts are also unusually long and give a fringed appearance. The male has a helmet-like crest. The bill, which is partly covered by thin green feathers, is yellow in mature males and black in females. Their iridescent feathers, which causes them to appear shiny and green like the canopy leaves, are a camouflage adaptation to hide within the canopy during rainy weather. Resplendent quetzals are considered specialized fruit-eaters, although they mix their diet with insects, frogs and small lizards. You can read more about the Q animal, Quetzal on Animalia

3. QUOKKA is an Animal that Starts with Q

The quokka is a small marsupial about the size of a large cat. It lives on some small islands off the coast of Western Australia and eats grass and small plants. The quokka is a social animal and lives in large groups. They eat grass, sedges, succulents and leaves. The quokka moves in the same way as a kangaroo, using both small and large hops. You can read more about the Q animal, Quokka on Sheppards Software

4. QUOLL is an Animal that Starts with Q

Quolls are carnivorous marsupials native to mainland Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania. They are primarily nocturnal and spend most of the day in a den. They are mostly ground-dwelling, but it is not uncommon to see a quoll climbing a tree. Quolls mark their territory several miles away from their dens. A male’s territory often overlaps many females’ territories, and male and female quolls only meet for mating. Quolls have communal toilet areas, usually on an outcropping used for marking territory and social functions. You can read more about the Q animal, Quoll on A Z Animals

5. QUAGGA is an Animal that Starts with Q

The Quagga is a recently extinct zebra. It was one of the six subspecies of plains zebra. It was a yellowish-brown zebra with stripes only on its head, neck and forebody, and looks similar to an Okapi. The Quagga was native to dry grassy plains in the south of the African continent. The Quagga was hunted for food, for their skin and also because farmers did not want it to eat the grass they needed for their sheep and goats. The last wild Quaggas died during a drought in 1878. The last captive Quagga died in the Amsterdam Zoo on 12 August 1883. A foundation in Africa is trying to bring Quaggas back to life by taking zebras that have very light stripes and breeding them. They began in 1987 and the first Quagga foal was born in 2005. You can read more about the Q animal, Quagga on DNA Science


Related: Letter Q Coloring Page Related: Letter Q Color by Letter Worksheet

Q Is For Queen Coloring Pages

Q is for queen coloring pages- printed pdf file of queenQ is for Queen coloring pages. Here at Kids Activities Blog we like queens and have a lot of fun queen coloring pages and queen printables that can be used when celebrating the letter Q: Child playing on united states map - Kids Activities Blog - child on scooter rolling over US map painted on sidewalkWhat places can we visit that start with Q?


Next, in our words starting with the Letter Q, we get to find out about some beautiful places.


Queensland is the second-largest and third-most-populous state in the Commonwealth of Australia. The capital and largest city in the state is Brisbane, Australia’s third largest city. Often referred to as the “Sunshine State”, Queensland is home to 10 of Australia’s 30 largest cities and is the nation’s third largest economy. Tourism in the state, fueled largely by its warm tropical climate, is a major industry. The history of Queensland spans thousands of years, encompassing both a lengthy indigenous presence, as well as the eventful times of post-European settlement.

2. Q is for QUEBEC, CANADA

Quebec ( listen) is the second-most populous province of Canada and the only one to have a predominantly French-speaking population. The climate around the major cities is four-season continental with cold and snowy winters combined with warm to hot humid summers, but further north long winter seasons dominate and as a result the northern areas of the province are marked by tundra conditions.


Queens is the easternmost and has the largest area of the five boroughs of New York City. Residents of Queens often closely identify with their neighborhood rather than with the borough or city. The borough is a patchwork of dozens of unique neighborhoods, each with its own distinct identity. Quinoa with chicken in a dish- kids activities blog- quinoa starts with QQuinoa starts with Q!


Q is for Quinoa.

Quinoa is not a real cereal, or grain, as it is not a member of the grass family. As a chenopod, quinoa is closely related to species such as beets, spinach, and tumbleweeds. Its leaves are also eaten as a leaf vegetable, but that is not widely available for purchase. Quinoa gives high quality protein and other nutrients. It has been called a ‘superfood’.

More Letter Q Words and Resources For Alphabet Learning

Can you think of more examples for words that start with the letter Q? Share some of your favorites below!
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