
20+ Names That Mean Kind For Parents Hoping To Cultivate

As weird and wonderful as it is to say, kindness is trending. Has bullying disappeared? Alas, no. Sadly, internet trolls still exist, too. But kindness is being advocated for in major ways. Drop into any store’s kid section, and you’ll see shirts plastered with phrases like “Be Kind” and “Kind Heart, Kind World.” Are you here for it? Are you hoping the precious little jumping bean in your belly grows up to be kind, compassionate, gentle, or tender? If so, you can start them off on the right track by considering names that mean kind.

Can you think of a more perfect reminder for your little love to be sweet to their classmates than giving them a name with such a tender meaning? Names that mean heart might also be a good option, especially if you’re having a Valentine’s Day baby. Another alternative that’s a little more abstract but still oh-so-sweet? Names that mean gold. Because, c’mon, babies just sort of feel like golden sunshine on your face.

But before you fall down any of those rabbit holes, focus on the heartwarming names that follow. Quick note: While there are tons of synonyms for “kind” or “kindness,” all of these names literally translate to the exact word. Which one’s your favorite?

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Kind

1. Ari

Do you know an Ari? You probably know someone who uses Ari as a nickname for a much longer first name. However, Ari is also a Thai name that means “kind, generous and compassionate.” It’s short and sweet… and totally unisex.

2. Aumanil

This unique name is from Inuit mythology. Simply put, it means “a kind and compassionate spirit.” If you want to tap into your heritage, choose an uncommon name, or simply share a message of kindness, Aumanil is a solid option.

3. Jin

Jin, Jen, Jyn — they all sound the same, but they’re all wildly different in meaning and heritage. We particularly love the Japanese name Jin. While primarily used for boys, it’s not uncommon to see Jin used for girls, too. Perhaps parents just love the name’s meaning: kindness and tenderness.

4. Tirion

When we read “Tirion,” we think of Tyrion from Lord of the Rings. The witty and calculating character may not have garnered regular use of the words “kind” or “gentle,” but he was quite possibly the nicest member of his family. Tirion, however, is a Welsh name that means “kind and gentle.” Now’s your chance to flash your nerd card and set the tone for a kind, sweet kiddo.

Girl Names That Mean Kind

5. Adelaide

Meaning “noble and kind,” Adelaide has a sweet, old-timey sound perfect for people who love names like Harriet or Beatrice but want something a little more unique. With Italian and English roots, it’s honestly a perfect name for a little girl of any heritage.

6. Bonaria

This Sardinian and Italian name translates to “good, kind, or compassionate.” Isn’t that precisely what you want for your little girl? Plus, the “-ia” end-sound plays well into the somewhat trendy names like “Olivia” and Mia.”

7. Caoimhe

Unless you live in Ireland, you’ll probably never meet another Caoimhe. While it’ll take some practice to pronounce (it’s pronounced “kwee-vuh”), this sweet name is the perfect fit for someone with a strong Gaelic heritage or obsession. It means “kind, compassionate, and beautiful.”

8. Caris

Caris is so close to sounding like so many familiar names, like Carrie or Carissa. However, this Welsh and Greek name comes with a unique flair. Bonus: It means “love and kindness.”

9. Ebele

Who doesn’t love a good “ele” sound to a name? Ebele is of Igbo origins and means “mercy and kindness.” Does it get any sweeter than that?

10. Elmira

This Arabic name refers to a generous and kind-hearted princess. Perfect for your new little heir!

11. Mehri

A Persian name, Mehri means “kind, lovable, and sunny.” Naming your daughter Mehri almost guarantees you’ll have a child with a warm disposition.

12. Omya

Meaning “kindness and compassion,” the Nepali name Omya is a short and simple name that instills a big, global concept.

13. Rukhi

Looking for the perfect Hindi name for your little girl? Rukhi means “kind at heart” and sounds just as sweet as that new bundle of joy.

Boy Names That Mean Kind

14. Alman

This Muslim boy’s name is of Arabic background. Alman literally means “kind, willing, and wise.”

15. Atif

Looking for another Arabic name option for your little boy? Atif means “compassionate and kind” and is, well, kind of perfect for a kind-hearted baby boy.

16. Bahram

Admittedly, it can be hard to tell at birth if your little love will grow up to be a decent human being. All you can do is your best when you try to steer him in the right, kind direction. Bahram is a Persian name specifically for a “baby boy who is kind and good-natured.” Maybe you can look into his eyes and just tell that’s who he’ll be.

17. Benigno

There’s a lot to love about the Latin name Benigno, starting with its meaning: “kind and compassionate.” It’s also the perfect name to use the beloved nickname “Ben” while giving a full name that’s a little less common than Benjamin.

18. Clemens

Danish names can often be hard for Americans to read and pronounce. Not Clemens, though! This “kind, gentle” name is the perfect option to use when you want to pay homage to your heritage without confounding teachers. (It’s pronounced just like it looks.)

19. Dobromil

It’s not every day you see a Slavic name on a baby name list, and it’s time that changed. Dobromil means “kind and good”. Plus, it comes with possible nicknames, like “Dobro” (the steel guitar) or “Dobby” (the house free elf).

20. Ellis

This Welsh and English name obviously became popular in large part to Grey’s Anatomy. If you remember, Meredith Grey’s mom was named Ellis. While Ellis could totally be used for a girl still, it’s also an excellent choice for a kind and compassionate baby boy.

21. Elric

Elric is a Gaelic name for a historically kind and wise ruler. There’s something about the sound of the name that is familiar (Ellis, Eric, Elton…) but still fantastical like so many other Gaelic names.

22. Kareem

This Arabic comes with several alternate spellings, including Karim and Kerem. Whatever vowels you use, however, the name still means “kind and generous.”

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